Join Joyce Bender at the 9th Annual Disability and Mental Health Summit to discuss Mental Wellness and Advocacy for Youth with Disabilities.
The summit will kick-off with a message from keynote speaker, Michael Gamel-McCormick, Disability Policy Director for Senator Bob Casey, who will provide an update on federal disability policy. Joyce will speak from 12:15-1:15 om EDT. Additional sessions will be held throughout the day, including how to support those at risks and being an ally and advocate.
During her session, Joyce will share insight into the importance of changing the dialogue about mental health for youth with disabilities to one that promotes mental wellness, pride in one’s journey, and advocacy skills. She will share details about the Mary Brougher Mental Health Initiative, a unique program offered through the Bender Leadership Academy for youth with disabilities, and the national civil rights campaign, #NotAshamed, being led by this group. Joyce will also share some of the lessons she has learned about becoming a leader in the disability community and what can be done to end stigma and ableism.
Learn more about the presenters or register today.