Recent Disability Matters Podcast Episodes

Encore In Memoriam: Celebrating the Life of Judy Heumann

Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:00:00 GMT

As we celebrate Disability Pride Month, Joyce takes time to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Judy Heumann a major American disability rights leader and activist. Originally aired: December 15, 2020, Joyce welcomed Judith Heumann, internationally recognized leader in the disability rights independent living movement, to the show. Judy worked with a wide range of activist organizations (including the Berkeley Center for Independent Living and the American Association of People with Disabilities), NGOs, and governments since the 1970s and has contributed greatly to the development of human rights legislation and policy benefiting disabled people. Judy discusses her new book, Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist, which was published in February 2020.

Chris Rosa: President/CEO The Viscardi Center Upholding the ADA

Tue, 16 Jul 2024 07:00:00 GMT

Joyce welcomes Dr. Chris Rosa, President & CEO of The Viscardi Center, a network of non-profits that educate, employ, and empower children and adults with disabilities. Dr. Rosa will share his passion for the mission of this organization and illustrate how they help uphold the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Blog Posts


Technology Careers for People with Disabilities

Frequently we are asked why Bender Consulting Services, Inc. fills so many job roles in technology. Technology careers are embedded in the foundation of Bender Consulting Services. Even before Bender Read More »
Joyce Bender

Paychecks Not Pity™

It was nearly 30 years ago when I started Bender Consulting Services, Inc. I knew then that the company had the potential to make a difference in how businesses viewed Read More »